Conjunto da Obra

Corpo che cade


Figura (Figure)

Nós (Us or Knots)

Obra esparsa (scattered works)


Pequeno Mobiliário Brasileiro

My Name is not Ivald Granato, 1978


Works, Series and Collections: Obra esparsa (scattered works)

Expositions: Mitos Vadios

My Name is not Ivald Granato

My commentary


Playful action in contribution to Mitos Vadios (Stray Miths), performance/ appening by Ivald Granato in which in he appears dressed in a pinstripe suit and bowler hat, declaring "My Name is not Ciccillo Matarazo" 
I made a parody sitting in a director's chair with the words "My Name is not Ivald Granato", written on the back. And  I released white chickens with "My Name is not Ivald Granato" written in cardboard medallions hanging around their necks. Multiple alter egos of the character in the director's chair. 

Gabriel Borba. 2020