Figura (Figure)



I have used the term Figura as an abbreviation for Human Figure.
And so it appears as the title of this Series and Collections

Gabriel Borba

Conjunto da Obra

Figura (Figure)

Mascara video installation

Nós (Us or Knots)

Obra esparsa (scattered works)

Pequeno Mobiliário Brasileiro


Saga do Guerreiro Morto (Saga of the Dead Warrior)

Sudario (Shroud)


Nocturnus Itineri Sudario Primus, c.1978


Works, Series and Collections: Figura (Figure),Sudario (Shroud)

Expositions: I Walk the Night


Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, primus

My commentary

I made the photo as support for something more elaborate. Collected by Francisco Salas and framed for the exhibition I Walk the Night, it came to my mind a passage with Gastão Magalhães, now a nominated artist, on the occasion my student of Communication Theory at FAAP, Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado. He spat on a theoretical proof sheet, scribbled "everything the artist spits is art" and left. I realized that even though I'm an author, I don't own what I do, once it's done.


Seeing it framed in I Walk the Night, presented as "Untitled (selfportrait with shroud), "et pour cause", I gave it the title Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, primus. The others its derivatives were called Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, secundus and Nocturnus Itineri Sudario, Tertius (Shroud for Night Walk, First, Second, Third).

For the title I used what I saw in the delicious title of Gerifalto Primus et Secundus by Celso Paulini, São Paulo, S /Ed, 1979. Where I learned that

"Love is naked. It is form and a start.
... "

Gabriel Borba, 2020